Guangyu Wang. Effect of UBR5 on the tumor microenvironment and its related mechanisms in cancer. Oncol Transl Med, 2021, 7: 294-304.
Effect of UBR5 on the tumor microenvironment and its related mechanisms in cancer
Received:August 31, 2021  Revised:December 10, 2021
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KeyWord:UBR5; cancer; tumor; prognosis; biomarker
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Guangyu Wang The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University 
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      Objective UBR5, recently identified as a potential target for cancer therapeutics, is overexpressed in multiple malignant tumors. In addition, it is closely associated with the growth, prognosis, metastasis, and treatment response of multiple types of cancer. Although emerging evidence supports the relationship between UBR5 and cancer, there are limited cancer analyses available. Methods In this study, online databases (TIMER2, GEPIA2, UALCAN, c-BioPortal, STRING) were employed to comprehensively explore expression levels and prognostic values of the UBR5 gene in cancer, using bioinformatic methods. Results We found that various characteristics of the UBR5 gene such as gene expression, survival value, genetic mutation, protein phosphorylation, immune infiltration, and pathway activities in the normal tissue were remarkably different from those in the primary tumor. Furthermore, “protein processing in spliceosome” and “ubiquitin mediated proteolysis” have provided evidence for their potential involvement in the development of cancer. Conclusion Our findings may provide insights for the selection of novel immunotherapeutic targets and prognostic biomarkers for cancer.