Zhuo Zhong,Fei Gao,Zhuo Lv,Zhi Hui Zhong,De Long. A case report of iodine-125 seed placement during operation for the treatment of advanced gallbladder carcinoma with septic shock. Oncol Transl Med, 2021, 7: 95-98.
A case report of iodine-125 seed placement during operation for the treatment of advanced gallbladder carcinoma with septic shock
Received:September 25, 2020  Revised:April 08, 2021
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KeyWord:advanced gallbladder cancer; 125I seed placement; sepsis; septic shock
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Zhuo Zhong Department of Oncology, Guangzhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional and West Medicine, Guangzhou 510800, China zhongzhuo36688@163.com 
Fei Gao Department of Minimally Invasive Interventional Radiology, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou 510060, China  
Zhuo Lv Department of Oncology, Guangzhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional and West Medicine, Guangzhou 510800, China  
Zhi Hui Zhong Department of Minimally Invasive Interventional Radiology, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou 510060, China  
De Long Department of Oncology, Guangzhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional and West Medicine, Guangzhou 510800, China longted@163.com 
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      This case report describes a patient with advanced gallbladder cancer who developed septic shock associated with iodine-125 (125I) seed implantation. The treatment process is described to provide a clinical reference for similar cases. A 52-year-old woman with recurrence of advanced gallbladder cancer underwent 125I seed implantation and developed postoperative sepsis with septic shock. The blood culture suggested infection with Aeromonas caviae and Enterococcus faecalis. Vancomycin and imipenem were immediately administered according to the drug sensitivity results, along with immunoglobulin therapy and vasoactive drugs. The patient’s condition gradually stabilized after comprehensive treatment. Sepsis with septic shock is a rare but potentially fatal complication of 125I seed implantation. Timely administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics, immunoglobulin therapy, and vasoactive drugs is very important to stabilize the patient’s condition. Our treatment of this patient can serve as a reference for clinicians to manage this complication in similar cases.