Yakun He,Min Wang,Heping Deng,Jin Ren. Application of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) combined with magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in prostate cancer diagnosis. Oncol Transl Med, 2021, 7: 31-34.
Application of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) combined with magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in prostate cancer diagnosis
Received:March 27, 2020  Revised:January 27, 2021
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KeyWord:prostate cancer; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE); spectroscopy
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Yakun He Department of Radiology, Sichuan Cancer Hospital, Chengdu 610041, China hykun_1123@163.com 
Min Wang Department of Radiology, Sichuan Cancer Hospital, Chengdu 610041, China 273795600@qq.com 
Heping Deng Department of Radiology, Sichuan Cancer Hospital, Chengdu 610041, China  
Jin Ren Department of Radiology, Sichuan Cancer Hospital, Chengdu 610041, China  
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      Objective The aim of the study was to investigate the application of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) combined with magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in prostate cancer diagnosis. Methods In the outpatient department of our hospital (Sichuan Cancer Hospital, Chengdu, China), 60 patients diagnosed with prostate disease were selected randomly and included in a prostate cancer group, 60 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia were included in a proliferation group, and 60 healthy subjects were included in a control group, from January 2013 to January 2017. Using Siemens Avanto 1.5 T highfield superconducting MRI for DCE-MRI and MRS scans, after the MRS scan was completed, we used the workstation spectroscopy tab spectral analysis, and eventually obtained the crest lines of the prostate metabolites choline (Cho), creatine (Cr), citrate (Cit), and the values of Cho/Cit, and (Cho + Cr)/Cit. Results Participants who had undergone 21-s, 1-min, and 2-min dynamic contrast-enhanced MR revealed significant variations among the three groups. The spectral analysis of the three groups revealed a significant variation as well. DCE-MRI and MRS combined had a sensitivity of 89.67%, specificity of 95.78%, and accuracy of 94.34%. Conclusion DCE-MRI combined with MRS is of great value in the diagnosis of prostate cancer