Lu Gan,Mo Li,Mo Li (Co-first author),Tongtao Yang (Co-first author),Tongtao Yang,Jin Wu,Junjie Du,Zhuojing Luo,Yong Zhou. Expression of HERG in musculoskeletal tumors with different degrees of malignancy. Oncol Transl Med, 2019, 5: 242-248.
Expression of HERG in musculoskeletal tumors with different degrees of malignancy
Received:August 26, 2019  Revised:November 20, 2019
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KeyWord:HERG; potassium ion channel; musculoskiletal tumors; expression
Author NameAffiliationDepartment
Lu Gan Department of orthopedics, Xijing hospital, air force medical university Orthopeadics
Mo Li Department of orthopedics, Xijing hospital, air force medical university Orthorpeadics
Mo Li (Co-first author)  
Tongtao Yang (Co-first author)  
Tongtao Yang Department of orthopedics, second affiliated hospital of air force medical university Orthorpeadics
Jin Wu The 175th hospital of the PLA Orthorpeadics
Junjie Du  
Zhuojing Luo Department of orthopedics, first affiliated hospital of air force medical university Orthopedics
Yong Zhou Department of orthopedics, second affiliated hospital of air force medical university Orthorpeadics
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      Objective The expression of HERG in common bone tumors is scarcely reported and there is a lack of dedicated studies. This study aimed to investigated the expression of HERG in several common musculoskeletal tumors. Methods Immunohistochemical staining, RT-PCR, and Western blotting were used to observe HERG expression differences in various tissues and cell lines. Results HERG was differentially expressed in different malignant tumors, both at a differential protein level and localization within tumors. HERG was not expressed in normal bone tissue. The HERG inhibitor E-4031 markedly inhibited the proliferation of osteosarcoma cell lines. Conclusion HERG was highly expressed in malignant tumors. Blocking of HERG can effectively inhibit the proliferation of bone tumors.