Yongwei Shu,Jie Yao,Yang Qu,Jing Zheng,Jing Ding,Lina Zhang,Yefan Wang,Jingyu Zhang,Siqi Tang. Intravenous injection of AAV-PHP.eB across the blood-brain barrier in the adult mouse for central nervous system gene therapy. Oncol Transl Med, 2019, 5: 1-5.
Intravenous injection of AAV-PHP.eB across the blood-brain barrier in the adult mouse for central nervous system gene therapy
Received:October 24, 2018  Revised:March 14, 2019
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KeyWord:gene therapy; AAV-PHP.eB; blood-brain barrier; regulatory element; noninvasive viral injection
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Yongwei Shu The Fourth Hospital of Harbin Medical University Shuyongwei163@163.com 
Jie Yao East China University of Science and Technology  
Yang Qu The Fourth Hospital of Harbin Medical University  
Jing Zheng East China University of Science and Technology  
Jing Ding The Fourth Hospital of Harbin Medical University  
Lina Zhang The Fourth Hospital of Harbin Medical University  
Yefan Wang East China University of Science and Technology  
Jingyu Zhang The Fourth Hospital of Harbin Medical University  
Siqi Tang East China University of Science and Technology tangsiqi1@hotmail.com 
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      Objective To verify the neurotypicality of AAV-PHP.eB after tail vein injection in adult mice and its efficiency in crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Methods The rAAV-SYN-GFP plasmid was constructed, and adult C57BL mice were injected with AAVPHP.eB: SYN-GFP in the tail vein (300 nL, virus titer 3 × 109 vg) and in the prefrontal lobe (50 L, virus titer 5 × 1011 vg). The green fluorescent protein (GFP) signal in the brain was observed at two weeks, while the GFP signal in the peripheral organs was observed at four weeks. Results Two weeks after tail vein injection, GFP expression was observed throughout the brain, especially in the cortex, hippocampus, and geniculate nucleus. No GFP signal was observed or detected by western blotting in the peripheral organs after four weeks. GFP signal was observed mainly at the local site after prefrontal lobe injection. Conclusion AAV-PHP.eB: SYN-GFP can effectively cross the BBB in adult mice. Using a neuron-specific promoter allows exogenous gene expression in neurons; therefore, AAV-PHP.eB can be used as an effective carrier for studying diseases in the central nervous system (CNS).