Yao Han,Lin Zhen,Baiying Liu,Xiaozhen Zhan,Wenbin Li,Taotao Zhang,Xiangwen Zhang,Guo Zu. Gastric adenocarcinoma with hepatoid adenocarcinoma: A case report and literature review. Oncol Transl Med, 2018, 4: 35-37.
Gastric adenocarcinoma with hepatoid adenocarcinoma: A case report and literature review
Received:November 22, 2017  Revised:February 16, 2018
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KeyWord:gastric cancer; adenocarcinoma; hepatoid; immunohistochemistry
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Yao Han Department of Gastroenterology,Dalian Municipal Central Hospital hanyaomvp1@163.com 
Lin Zhen Department of Gastroenterology,Dalian Municipal Central Hospital  
Baiying Liu Department of Gastroenterology,Dalian Municipal Central Hospital  
Xiaozhen Zhan Department of Gastroenterology,Dalian Municipal Central Hospital  
Wenbin Li Department of Gastroenterology,Dalian Municipal Central Hospital  
Taotao Zhang Department of Gastroenterology,Dalian Municipal Central Hospital  
Xiangwen Zhang Department of Gastroenterology,Dalian Municipal Central Hospital  
Guo Zu Department of Gastroenterology,Dalian Municipal Central Hospital zushanghai@163.com 
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      Objective Hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach is exceedingly rare. Only a few cases have been reported worldwide. In this report, we describe our pathological findings along with a review of the literature to improve our understanding of the disease and prevent misdiagnosis, as well as to provide evidence for its treatment and prognosis. Methods A 68-year-old male patient was admitted to our hospital (Dalian Municipal Central Hospital, Dalian, China) complaining of upper abdominal pain. Physical examination and regular laboratory blood tests showed no obvious abnormalities. A contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan displayed a 3.0 cm × 3.0 cm mass in the gastric antrum, but no metastasis was found in the adjacent organs. Results A radical gastrectomy was performed and postoperative histopathology showed a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma with partial hepatoid adenocarcinoma. Conclusion Hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach is a rare malignant neoplasm. The diagnostic criteria for hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach depends mainly on the clinical, radiographic, and histopathological findings. Pathomorphology and immunohistochemical staining can be utilized to confirm the diagnosis.