Department of oncology,Mianyang Central Hospital. Progress in research on the relationships among tumor blood supply patterns. Oncol Transl Med, 2016, 2: 138-141.
Progress in research on the relationships among tumor blood supply patterns
Received:December 27, 2015  Revised:June 13, 2016
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KeyWord:tumor blood supply;angiogenesis; vascular minicry
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Department of oncology Author: E-mail:lijie@com,Tel:
Correspondence to: Du Xiaobo,E-mail: duxiaobo@com Tel: 
Mianyang Central Hospital Author: E-mail:lijie@com,Tel:
Correspondence to: Du Xiaobo,E-mail: duxiaobo@com Tel: 
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      Tumor cell growth, invasion, and metastasis require a blood supply. The diversity of tumor blood supply patterns and the biological properties of tumor cells play important roles in these processes. The discovery of vascular mimicry (VM) has enhanced the understanding of the plasticity of tumor cells and angiogenesis. VM is only a supplemental form of tumor microcirculation. However, the extensive clinical significance and special formation of VM have generated new ideas regarding anti-vascular tumor therapy. Currently, the exploration of the relationship between VM and other blood supply patterns is in the early stages, and many questions remain unanswered. Further in-depth studies of the relationships among tumor blood supply patterns will identify novel anti-tumor therapeutics.