Junbao Liu,Chengxu Cui,Lifang Yuan,Jinwan Wang,Shuping Shi,Zhujun Shao,Haijian Tang,Tingting Yang,Chunhui Gao,Nang Wang,Wei Liu. Advanced duodenal carcinoma: Chemotherapy efficacy and analysis of prognostic factors. Oncol Transl Med, 2016, 2: 16-20.
Advanced duodenal carcinoma: Chemotherapy efficacy and analysis of prognostic factors
Received:May 03, 2015  Revised:February 01, 2016
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KeyWord:primary duodenal carcinoma (PDC); palliative chemotherapy; survival; prognostic factors
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Junbao Liu Department of Medical Oncology, Chaoyang Sanhuan Cancer Hospital, Beijing 100122, China liujb1@sohu.com 
Chengxu Cui Department of Medical Oncology, Cancer Hospital & Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking cuichengxu@csco.org.cn 
Lifang Yuan Department of Medical Oncology, Chaoyang Huanxing Cancer Hospital, Beijing 100122, China yuanlf122@sohu.com 
Jinwan Wang Department of Medical Oncology, Cancer Hospital & Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking wjw@sohu.com 
Shuping Shi Department of Medical Oncology, Chaoyang Sanhuan Cancer Hospital, Beijing 100122, China ssp@sohu.com 
Zhujun Shao Department of Medical Oncology, Chaoyang Sanhuan Cancer Hospital, Beijing 100122, China szj@sohu.com 
Haijian Tang Department of Medical Oncology, Chaoyang Sanhuan Cancer Hospital, Beijing 100122, China thj@sohu.com 
Tingting Yang Department of Medical Oncology, Chaoyang Sanhuan Cancer Hospital, Beijing 100122, China ytt@sohu.com 
Chunhui Gao Department of Medical Oncology, Chaoyang Sanhuan Cancer Hospital, Beijing 100122, China gch@sohu.com 
Nang Wang Department of Medical Oncology, Chaoyang Sanhuan Cancer Hospital, Beijing 100122, China wn@sohu.com 
Wei Liu Department of Medical Oncology, Chaoyang Sanhuan Cancer Hospital, Beijing 100122, China lw@sohu.com 
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      Objective: This study aimed to determine the efficacy of chemotherapy and to identify potential chemotherapy agents to treat advanced primary duodenal carcinoma (PDC). Methods: Seventy-three patients with advanced PDC were included in the study. Response rate (RR), disease control rate (DCR), progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS) and prognosis were compared among patients using the Cox proportional hazards model. Results: The overall RR and DCR of 52 patients were 21.15% and 69.23%, respectively. The median PFS and OS times were 4.51 and 11.47 months, respectively. Palliative chemotherapy improved the OS of patients with advanced PDC compared with patients who did not receive chemotherapy (14.28 months vs. 5.20 months, HR = 0.205, 95% CI: 0.077 to 0.547, P = 0.0016). Multivariate analysis indicated mucinous histology and liver metastasis as factors predictive of poor prognosis in patients with advanced PDC. Conclusion: Palliative chemotherapy may improve the OS of patients with advanced PDC. Mucinous histology and liver metastasis were the main prognostic factors in patients with advanced PDC.