Yu Li,Huijun Xu,Sujing Zhang,Xiaoliang Liu. Comparison of the dose to lung volume between supine and prone position during treatment planning. Oncol Transl Med, 2015, 1: 271-274.
Comparison of the dose to lung volume between supine and prone position during treatment planning
Received:April 24, 2015  Revised:December 01, 2015
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KeyWord:supine position; prone position; treatment planning; lung
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Yu Li Radiation Oncology Center, The Military Hospital 302 of China, Beijing 100039, China liyu0776@163.com 
Huijun Xu Radiation Oncology Center, The Military Hospital 302 of China, Beijing 100039, China huijunxu2008@sina.com 
Sujing Zhang Radiation Oncology Center, The Military Hospital 302 of China, Beijing 100039, China sujingzhang2001@sohu.com 
Xiaoliang Liu Radiation Oncology Center, The Military Hospital 302 of China, Beijing 100039, China xiaoliangj3j@163.com 
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      Objective: The aim of the study was to compare the dose to lung volume in the supine and prone position while designing CyberKnife treatment plans to treat metastatic tumors in the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae, and offer a reference for reducing damage to normal tissues. Methods: Nine cases of metastatic tumors in the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae were selected, and then we designed treatment plans based on the supine and prone positions and compared the results. Results: In contrast with the treatment plan based on the prone position, the one for the supine position required 14862–36337 MU more; the lung D5% was 5.20–7.90 Gy higher; and the lung D20% was 2.61–5.73 Gy higher. The difference of dose to spine volume between the two plans was –2.21–2.67 Gy; to the skin volume was –3.93–7.85 Gy; and to the esophagus was 0.28–6.39 Gy. Conclusion: The treatment plan based on the prone position of patients can better protect lung tissues than the one based on the supine position, and can also improve the availability of beams.