Jun Zhu,Hao Wen,Xiaohua Wu. Clinicopathological characteristics and treatment of carcinosarcoma of the female genital tract. Oncol Transl Med, 2015, 1: 233-238.
Clinicopathological characteristics and treatment of carcinosarcoma of the female genital tract
Received:January 08, 2015  Revised:August 22, 2015
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KeyWord:carcinosarcoma; pathology; treatment; prognosis
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Jun Zhu Cancer Hospital of Fudan University dragonzld@163.com 
Hao Wen Cancer Hospital of Fudan University wenhao_fdc@163.com 
Xiaohua Wu Cancer Hospital of Fudan University docwuxh@yahoo.com 
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      Carcinosarcomas of the female genital tract are highly aggressive and rare tumors, differing from other malignant gynecological tumors in that they contain both malignant carcinomatous and sarcomatous elements. Because carcinosarcomas are rapidly progressive, less sensitive to chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and have a high probability of recurrence, patients with advanced uterine and ovarian carcinosarcomas have poorer survival than those with endometrial or high-grade serous carcinomas. Although the treatment strategies are controversial, a comprehensive management approach is recommended, which involves complete debulking surgery followed by adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. Molecular-targeted therapies are promising for the management and improvement in the overall survival of patients with carcinosarcomas.