Haiyan Peng,Wenhua Zhao,Cuiyun Su,Xiangqun Song,Aiping Zeng,Huilin Wang,Ruiling Ning,Shaozhang Zhou. Role of the STAT3/survivin signaling pathway in the EML4-ALK-positive lung adenocarcinoma cell line H2228 before and after crizotinib-induced resistance. Oncol Transl Med, 2015, 1: 73-77.
Role of the STAT3/survivin signaling pathway in the EML4-ALK-positive lung adenocarcinoma cell line H2228 before and after crizotinib-induced resistance
Received:December 16, 2014  Revised:April 03, 2015
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KeyWord:EML4-ALK fusion gene; H2228 cell line; crizotinib; apoptosis; STAT3/survivin signaling pathway
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Haiyan Peng Guangxi Medical University 784951431@qq.com 
Wenhua Zhao Affiliated Cancer Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Guangxi, China 315333096@qq.com 
Cuiyun Su Affiliated Cancer Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Guangxi, China  
Xiangqun Song Affiliated Cancer Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Guangxi, China  
Aiping Zeng Affiliated Cancer Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Guangxi, China  
Huilin Wang Affiliated Cancer Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Guangxi, China  
Ruiling Ning Affiliated Cancer Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Guangxi, China  
Shaozhang Zhou Affiliated Cancer Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Guangxi, China zhoushaozhang@qq.com 
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      Objective This study investigated the role of the STAT3/survivin signaling pathway in the EML4-ALK–positive lung adenocarcinoma cell line H2228 before and after crizotinib-induced resistance. The mechanism of resistance was studied. Methods Cell viability was determined using the MTT assay. Crizotinib-induced apoptosis in H2228 and H2228 crizotinib-resistant cells treated with the indicated doses of crizotinib was measured at different times (24 h, 48 h, 72 h) using flow cytometry. The levels of p-ALK, ALK, p-STAT3, STAT3, and survivin after treatment of cells with 0, 0.3, and 1 μM crizotinib for 72 h were determined using Western blot analysis. DNA sequencing was used to identify mutations in H2228 crizotinib-resistant cells. Results The crizotinib IC50 values in H2228 and H2228 crizotinib-resistant cells at 72 h were 334.5 nM and 3418 nM, respectively. The resistance index of H2228 crizotinib-resistant cells was 10.20. Crizotinib induced apoptosis in H2228 cells and reduced the levels of p-ALK, p-STAT3, and survivin. In contrast, no changes in the levels of p-ALK, p-STAT3, and survivin were observed in H2228 crizotinib-resistant cells. The mutations 2067G→A and 2182G→C in EML4-ALK were present in the H2228 crizotinib-resistant cells. Conclusion Crizotinib decreased the viability of H2228 cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner. In the STAT3/survivin pathway, downregulation of p-ALK, p-STAT3, and survivin might contribute to crizotinib-induced apoptosis in H2228 cells. However, the STAT3/survivin pathway in H2228 crizotinib-resistant cells was unaffected by crizotinib treatment. Acquired resistance in H2228 cells might be related to ALK mutations.