Ahmed Zaki,Hosnya Abu-Zeid,Hada Ashry,Khaled El Shahat. Dosimetric study of field junction in adjacent beams using asymmetric collimators and MLC. Oncol Transl Med, 2014, 13: 435-438.
Dosimetric study of field junction in adjacent beams using asymmetric collimators and MLC
Received:August 04, 2014  Revised:September 03, 2014
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KeyWord:field junctions; linear accelerator; dosimetric study
Author NameAffiliationDepartment
Ahmed Zaki Department of Radiation Oncology, El Gala Military Hospital, Cairo, Egypt Department of Radiation Oncology
Hosnya Abu-Zeid Department of Physics, Women College for Arts, Science and Education, Ain sham University, Cairo, Egypt Department of Physics
Hada Ashry National Center for Radiaion Research and Technology, AEA, Cairo, Egypt National Center for Radiaion Research and Technology
Khaled El Shahat Faculty of Medicine, Alazahr University, Cairo, Egypt Department of Clinical Oncology and Nuclear medicine
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      Adjacent treatment fields are commonly employed in external beam radiation therapy, such as the mantle? and inverted-Y fields for the treatment of Hodgkin's disease. In some cases, the adjacent fields are orthogonal, as in the case of craniospinal fields used in the treatment of medulloblastoma. Another example is the irradiation of head and neck tumors when the lateral neck fields are placed adjacent to the anterior supraclavicular field. In each of these situations, there is a possibility of introducing very large dosage errors across the junction. Consequently, this region is at risk for tumor recurrence if it is underdosed or severe complications if it is overdosed (Faiz M. Khan, 2010). Four millimeter overlap and gap resulted in an unacceptable dose in homogeneity in the junction. As a result of this study, the magnitudes of hot and cold spots might be clinically acceptable for 2.0 mm gap between photon fields.