Yingying Sun,Huaqing Lin. Research rogress in Nanoparticles as Anticancer Drug Carrier. Oncol Transl Med, 2014, 13: 489-493.
Research rogress in Nanoparticles as Anticancer Drug Carrier
Received:July 28, 2014  Revised:September 01, 2014
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KeyWord:Nanoparticles; anticancer drugs; drug carrier
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Yingying Sun Department of Guangdong Pharmacy College, Guangdong Key Laboratory for New Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, Guangzhou 510006, China 18814099672@163.com 
Huaqing Lin Department of Guangdong Pharmacy College, Guangdong Key Laboratory for New Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, Guangzhou 510006, China huaqing_@vip.tom.com 
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      Nanoparticles drug carrier system has sustained and controlled release features as well as targeted drug delivery, which can change the characteristics of drug distribution in vivo. It can increase the stability of the drug and enhance drug bioavailability. The selective targeting of nanoparticles can be achieved through enhanced permeability and retention effect and a conjugated specific ligand or through the effects of physiological conditions, such as pH and temperature. Nanoparticles can be prepared by using a wide range of materials and can be used to encapsulate chemotherapeutic agents to reduce toxicity with the magnetic nanoparticles as the anticancer drug carrier, which can be used for imaging, therapy, and diagnosis. In this study, In this study, Recent progress on nanoparticles as a targeted drug delivery system will be reviewed, including positive-targeting, negative-targeting, and physicochemical-targeting used as anticancer drug carrier.