Yu Peng,Jiang-kui Liu,Qiang Lin. Clinical progression of lobaplatin in combination chemotherapy for patients with recurrence or metastatic cancer. Oncol Transl Med, 2014, 13: 386-391.
Clinical progression of lobaplatin in combination chemotherapy for patients with recurrence or metastatic cancer
Received:July 03, 2014  Revised:July 25, 2014
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KeyWord:lobaplatin; chemotherapy; recurrence; metastasis; combination chemotherapy
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Yu Peng Hebei North University,South Diamond Road,Gaoxin District billhappy001@163.com 
Jiang-kui Liu Department of Gastroenterology,Hebei Medical University Affiliated North China Petroleum Bureau General Hospital  
Qiang Lin Department of Oncology,Hebei Medical University Affiliated North China Petroleum Bureau General Hospital billhappy001@163.com 
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      The platinum-based combination chemotherapy has become one of the major modalities in anti-cancer treatment. After the first-line chemotherapy, many patients need further chemotherapy because of recurrence or metastasis. Lobaplatin (LBP) is one of the third generation platinum drugs,and this article briefly reviews the clinical progression of lobaplatin in combination chemotherapy for patients with recurrence or metastatic cancer.