Eman H. Abdelbary,Hayam E. Rashed,Eman I. Ismail,Mohamed Abdelgawad. Prognostic value of cancer stem cell markers CD133, ALDH1 and nuclear β-catenin in colon cancer. Oncol Transl Med, 2014, 13: 379-385.
Prognostic value of cancer stem cell markers CD133, ALDH1 and nuclear β-catenin in colon cancer
Received:June 17, 2014  Revised:July 21, 2014
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KeyWord:colon cancer; cancer stem cells (CSCs); CD133; ALDH1; β-catenin; overall survival (OS); recurrence free survival (RFS)
Author NameAffiliationDepartment
Eman H. Abdelbary Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt Pathology Department
Hayam E. Rashed Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt Pathology Department
Eman I. Ismail Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Department
Mohamed Abdelgawad Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Department
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      Objective: Colon cancer is one of the most common human malignancies. Cancer stem cells (CSCs), despite being only a small subset of cancer cells, have the capability to self-renew and sustain the tumor. They also have the ability to proliferate. Multiple CSCs-associated markers have been identified in colon cancer including CD133, ALDH1 and β-catenin. The aim of the work was to study the prognostic value of CSCs markers (CD133, ALDH1 and β-catenin), as well as their relationship to clinicopathological features of colon cancer. Methods: CD133, ALDH1 and β-catenin proteins expression was assessed immunohistochemically in a series of colon cancers and their prognostic significance was valuated. Results: CD133 expression showed significant relationship to tumor stage and lymph node metastasis (P-value 0.004 & < 0.001 respectively), and near significant relationship to liver metastasis (P-value 0.092). ALDH1 was significantly associated with tumor grade, stage and nodal metastasis (P-value 0.021, 0.001 and 0.026 respectively), but its relationship to liver metastasis was near significant (P-value 0.068). Nuclear β-catenin was significantly related to tumor grade, stage, nodal and liver metastasis (P-value 0.001, < 0.001, < 0.001 and 0.008 respectively). Overall survival (OS) was associated inversely with CD133, ALDH1 positivity, and directly with nuclear β-catenin positivity (P-value < 0.001, 0.0001 and < 0.001 respectively). Also recurrence free survival (RFS) was associated inversely with CD133, ALDH1 and directly with nuclear β-catenin positivity (P-value 0.0001, 0.001 and < 0.001 respectively). Conclusion: CD133, ALDH1 and β-catenin expressions of tumor cells have significant impact upon malignant progression of colon cancer and thus patient survival and tumor recurrence. Hence they can be used to predict outcome of colon cancer patients.