Qian Wang,Jie Liu,Zewu An. Expression of CK19 mRNA and MUC-1 mRNA in the peripheral blood of patients with colorectal cancer and their clinical significances. Oncol Transl Med, 2014, 13: 316-319.
Expression of CK19 mRNA and MUC-1 mRNA in the peripheral blood of patients with colorectal cancer and their clinical significances
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KeyWord:colorectal cancer (CRC); peripheral blood; CK19 mRNA; MUC-1 mRNA; nested reverse transcription-polymerase chainreaction (Nested RT-PCR)
Author NameAffiliation
Qian Wang Department of General Surgery, The No. 252 Hospital of PLA, Baoding 071000, China 
Jie Liu Department of Neurology, The First Central Hospital of Baoding, Baoding 071000, China 
Zewu An Department of General Surgery, The No. 252 Hospital of PLA, Baoding 071000, China 
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      Objective: Using nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (Nested RT-PCR) to test the mRNA level in peripheral blood CK19 and MUC-1 in colorectal cancer patients and it’s clinical significance, to discuss the feasibility of colorectal carcinoma micro-metastasis detection of molecular markers. Methods: The expression level was detected by nested RT-PCR in 20 healthy people, 20 patients with colorectal adenoma and 90 cases of patients with colorectal cancer disease peripheral blood CK19 mRNA and MUC-1 mRNA. Results: The positive expression rate of CK19 mRNA and MUC-1 mRNA were: 58.89% (53/90) and 52.22% (47/90). No CK19 mRNA healthy people 20 cases in the control group in the peripheral blood, the expression of MUC-1 mRNA in 12 cases, the expression rate of 60% (12/20). In 20 cases of colorectal adenoma diseases have the expression of CK19 mRNA in 1 cases, the expression rate of 5% (1/20), the expression of MUC-1 mRNA in 10 cases, the expression rate of 50%. Patients with colorectal cancer CK19 mRNA, MUC-1 mRNA expression rate was significantly correlated with tumor staging, the degree of differentiation of the tumor cells and tumor metastasis (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Marker CK19 mRNA as the detection of micro-metastasis in peripheral blood of patients with colorectal cancer has good sensitivity and specificity, but CK19 mRNA, MUC-1 mRNA can be used to judge the prognosis of patients with colorectal cancer index.