Kejia Liu,Jing Song,Rui Song,Zhiyong Liu,Gang Ni,Wei Ge. Application of U-fixed red wax mask in radiotherapy. Oncol Transl Med, 2014, 13: 291-293.
Application of U-fixed red wax mask in radiotherapy
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KeyWord:head and neck cancer; tissue compensator; radiotherapy; adding red wax compensator
Author NameAffiliation
Kejia Liu Department of Oncology, Tianmen First People's Hospital, Tianmen 431700, China 
Jing Song Department of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China 
Rui Song Department of Oncology, Tianmen First People's Hospital, Tianmen 431700, China 
Zhiyong Liu Department of Oncology, Tianmen First People's Hospital, Tianmen 431700, China 
Gang Ni Department of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China 
Wei Ge Department of Oncology, Tianmen First People's Hospital, Tianmen 431700, China 
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      Objective: The aim of our study was to compared non-red wax compensator and adding red wax compensator in the treatment plans of the minimum dose, maximum dose, mean dose and target surface dose, and compare the dose volume histograms (DVH) parameters and isodose distributions of two plans. Methods: From January 2009 to December 2010, 8 patients with superficial head and neck cancer and without surgery treatment were collected. They all confirmed by cancer center, Tianmen First People’s Hospital. Topslane WiMRT was used to design the treatment plan of non-red wax compensator and adding red wax compensator, with 6 MV photons using three-dimensional conformal irradiation mode design, the prescription dose was 50 Gy/25 times. Results: Compared non-red wax compensator with adding red wax compensator, its target minimum dose (t = –3.157, P < 0.05) and the target surface dose significantly improved (t = –0.020, P < 0.05), while the target maximum dose (t = –0.140, P > 0.05) and mean dose (t = –9.914, P > 0.05) were considered no significant difference. Conclusion: The use of U-shaped mask fixed red wax film production in conformal radiotherapy tissue compensator can significantly improve the surface dose and dose distribution superficial planning target volume.