Xiaoming Wu. Pay attention to the rehabilitation of cancer patients—Excerpts of the 2013 NCCN Guidelines for Survivorship. Oncol Transl Med, 2014, 13: 245-247.
Pay attention to the rehabilitation of cancer patients—Excerpts of the 2013 NCCN Guidelines for Survivorship
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Xiaoming Wu Polyclinic Department, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100021, China 
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      For some survivors, the consequences of cancer are minimal; these patients can return to a normal life after the completion of treatment. In fact, a majority of cancer survivors report being in good general health and experience good to excellent quality of life. A recent review suggests that at least 50% of survivors suffer from some late effects of cancer treatment. The most common problems in cancer survivors are depression, pain, and fatigue. The guidelines suggest the following standards for survivorship care: (1) prevention of new and recurrent cancers and other late effects; (2) surveillance for cancer spread, recurrence, or second cancers; (3) assessment of late psychosocial and medical effects; (4) intervention for consequences of cancer and treatment (eg, medical problems, symptoms, psychologic distress, financial and social concerns); and (5) coordination of care between primary care providers and specialists to ensure that all of the survivor’s health needs are met. The NCCN Survivorship Panel hopes that these guidelines can help both oncologic and primary health care professionals lessen the burden left on survivors by their cancer experience so they can transition back to a rewarding life.