Jing Song,Zhiliang Liu,Lilin He,Wei Luo,Huilin Xu,Pingpo Ming,Wei Ge. Clinical observation of platinum-based chemotherapy combined with concurrent three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Oncol Transl Med, 2014, 13: 199-202.
Clinical observation of platinum-based chemotherapy combined with concurrent three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer
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KeyWord:cisplatin; chemo-radiotherapy; non-small-cell lung cancer; three-dimensional conformal; image fusion
Author NameAffiliation
Jing Song Department of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China 
Zhiliang Liu Department of Oncology, Tianmen First People's Hospital, Tianmen 431700, China 
Lilin He Department of Oncology, Tianmen First People's Hospital, Tianmen 431701, China 
Wei Luo Department of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430063, China 
Huilin Xu Department of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430064, China 
Pingpo Ming Department of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430065, China 
Wei Ge Department of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430066, China 
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      Objective: The aim of our study was to explore the short-term efficacy of platinum-based combined with concurrent chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: Between 2006 to 2010, 78 cases of locally advanced NSCLC were enrolled into this trial. All patients were given platinum-based chemotherapy combined with concurrent three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3-DCRT). Chest CT scans were obtained during end-expiratory and end-inspiratory pauses when performing positioning. Image fusion was done after the image data was transferred to treatment plan system (TPS). The target volume was delineated on the fusion images. The chemotherapy was given on the first day of radiotherapy. Comprehensive examinations were conducted 4–6 weeks after concurrent chemoradiotherapy to assess short-term efficacy. Results: Complete remission (CR) was achieved in 8 cases and partial remission (PR) in 54 cases. The efficiency rate reached 79.5%. Grade III–IV radiation esophagitis occurred in 11.5%. No exit and death cases during treatment. Conclusion: Concurrent chemo-radiotherapy could significantly improve the short-term efficacy and prolong survival of stage III NSCLC, meanwhile the adverse reactions could be tolerated.